Wednesday, November 5, 2014



As a personal trainer I have inspired and trained many people and I have been passionate in developing my relationship in the fitness world. Plan or no plan, my training career recently took a turn. I have spent the last three years educating, and exploring my place in fitness, and one day without even seeking, everything felt more right in what I was doing than ever before, my niche found me.

Golf Fitness became my passion. And though I was still working with clients customizing programs to meet specific goals other than golf, I began exploring the ideas of NOT just creating customized programs for just anyone and everyone, but instead making myself an expert on one program for one group, that being golfers. What started as a side thought, almost a hobby, I began to create what I called PAR-Fit.

I must admit the idea came from living with a family who eats, sleeps, and breathes golf. My husband has golfed his entire life, and I really mean entire life, he started at around 4years old playing with his dad and granddad and went on to play varsity golf winning numerous metals and trophy’s and most of all maturing and learning things about life that can only be taught out on the green. Golf played and integral role in my husband’s life, and sports and fitness played a huge role in mine. All three of our children have a natural love for the game of golf. And now that they are older and playing more competitively, I wanted to help them with a way to stay strong, healthy, and improve their game, without losing focus of what is most important, having fun! I was finding myself more and more passionate about this one sport and fitness. I wasn’t sure where it was going but I decided to get certified in Youth Fitness as well as Nutritional fitness, and took a course in speed, agility, and quickness, not only to continue my education, but to support my passion for my PAR-fit idea.

I remember sometime during this my husband had decided to enter the Remax long drive competition, he was hitting the ball close to 310 yards, we only had about 10 weeks of training before the event (he decided to do this last minute) his goal was to hit 330yards which is a huge gain in golf in a short amount of time, my goal was to get him there, using an Isometric-stability training method, as well as incorporating a Plyometric routine on the range. I tracked his progress each day, knowing this method would increase his fast twitching muscles, increasing his club head speed in a short amount of time. At that event he more then met his goal, he hit the ball a long 340 yards, he didn’t move on to regionals that year, but we both left the event feeling pretty good about ourselves. After that day my niche had chosen me without me even really knowing it.  

I began to design exercise programs, and nutritional plans that were customized for a golfer. I began teaching my kids about smart goal setting, planning, and motivating them to understand their own journeys. I have seen a drastic change in their energy, positivity, accountability, and most of all they stayed inspired, improved their game, and was continuing to have fun at their beloved sport.

We spend most of our summers at the golf course and during off season living in the Midwest it takes bounds of determination to run drills and stay golf fit. I love finding new ways to hold us accountable, and making it fun .Today I have notebooks full of research, proven methods, and a whole new outlook on my personal training career, and I have learned more about golf then I ever thought I would want to know. I might be taking a risk and even may lose opportunities honing in on a specified training program, but rather than cater to everyone, I want to apply an expertise as a professional certified trainer to my PAR-Fit training program for professional, amateur, adult, or junior golfers.

What I love about golf in relation to fitness, and life, is it is not about being the best, it is about being better then you were yesterday.
Amy Jene Clark